Upper Limit Problems: 10 signs to look for

by , last updated July 15, 2021
upper limit problem
If your business is not growing or you find yourself confronted with the same things over and over ... that could be something else than ADHD.

You want your business to grow. If this does not happen quickly enough, it is possible that not ADHD is responsible, but something called upper limit problems.

But first, what are upper limit problems? And how do they show up?

You know this thing that you should not do because it is harmful or unreasonable or wrong, and you do it anyway.

And you run into trouble, although you could avoid it.

Or at least you have something you regret.

And then – you do it AGAIN.

And you might ask yourself: Why am I doing something that is not good for me? That I genuinely would like to do differently because it hurts my business?

This is what we talk about in this article.

Why you should take Upper Limit Problems serious as an entrepreneur

Gay Hendricks has defined the expression Upper Limit Problems in his book The Big Leap.

It is about a subtle form of self-sabotage. Sometimes precisely when good things happen, which is kind of weird.

The basic idea of his book is:

Every person has a set-point of how much success, love, happiness, prosperity, and intimacy she can tolerate. If they reach it, a locking mechanism occurs, which is like a sensitive thermometer.

Suppose we are pleased because great things happen. And suddenly, we subconsciously do things that put us back quickly.

Because we feel more comfortable where we had been before.

Is it possible that you are feeling the same way?

Here are ten hints that you are maybe the reason that your business is not moving forward:

# 1: You know the problem and ignore it

You know you are not doing enough marketing to attract more clients. And you do not tackle it. You have three days to give a lecture. And you do not prepare for it.

You know there is a chance to move your business forward – coaching, training, a networking event – and you are not doing anything.

As an entrepreneur, you can always argue with time pressure. And who could object to that?

Nobody has enough time.

But if the same topic keeps coming back and you know what to do, and you do not do it – for years?

Upper Limit Problems are likely to be present.

# 2: You do things you know to harm you

That can be anything. And I suspect you know what I mean.

The boozed night before an important meeting. However, you are not usually like that. The inadequate preparation before the appointment with a new client.

Although you know how important it would be.

The sloppy implementation of some fundamental basics in your industry.

If you do things that are not smart – although you are smart – and you know it quite well and still act repeatedly? Upper Limit Problems could be the reason.



#3: You start trouble if you experience success

You have won a new (big) client or did a successful launch. You get this speaking gig. And what then? A reason to celebrate. BUT.

You start fights about nothing. Usually, it hits people closest to you. Your partner. Your children or co-workers.

Maybe friends.

Likely, you will still notice it, but you will not be able to stop even if you wanted.

Not a coincidence. And maybe a case of Upper Limit Problems.

# 4: You do not increase your prices

I can not count how many discussions we had with coaching clients about increasing their prices. No argument that we did not hear.

My clients do not pay for it.

They have no money.

I do not want to look greedy.

And. So. On.

But the point is – what customers pay is fixed in the space between the ears. Between your ears.

Of course, it makes sense to consider how to set your prices.

But if you do not do what is necessary (and an experienced coach is telling you) because you do not have confidence, chances are, you are looking at Upper Limit Problems.



# 5: You let envy take the reins

Envy is not destructive, just as not wanting to work or having Upper Limit problems is not bad.

Because in the end, it does not matter that we are not always perfect. Or how we feel. In the end, it counts how much you allow something to affect your work.

It is not easy to never feel a bit of envy—all these perfect people on social media are doing everything right.

These people are always dressed perfectly. They have excellent staff, partners, children, offices, and the perfect attitude towards the environment, animals, and, of course, towards their business.

But sometimes, these people do not pretend to do everything right or to have a perfect life. Often, we want to see it that way.

We don’t know if someone has less trouble doing something, has more happiness, or talent – although we have no evidence that this is the case.

But as long as we use our precious time to deal with other people, we do not put this time into our business.

And this might be a sign of upper limit problems.

# 6: You spend your time with the problems of others

When you are focused and know your priorities, nothing can distract you from the important thing right now. Does your cat fight for its life with an agama of biblical magnitude?

Your website is down because of a brute force attack?

Your mother’s birthday party is coming up, and you are supposed to handle the final touches?

Nope, none of this will distract you from doing what needs to be done in the final meters. Nothing.

But if you are close to the temperature of success, you subconsciously allow yourself to have, a comment from a troll on Facebook can throw you off track.

If you are usually organized and productive and still feel that your business follows a mathematical equation (will be called: sine curve), Upper Limit Problems are very likely.



# 7: You do not take your chances

There is a request that has been waiting in your inbox for days. The client who gave you his phone number is indicating that you should call. Or the chance to give a lecture at an event.

And you do not take them.

You do not know precisely why you do not do it. Maybe you tell yourself that you have “a bad feeling.” Perhaps it is the feeling of being overwhelmed. And yes, with ADHD, there can likely be all of these feelings.

But if you keep letting sales opportunities go unused (and then explain why this was a bad idea anyway), your success thermostat has likely kicked in.

And by no means do I mean that you should agree to everything in dealing with clients or have no limits.

Just watch out if you find a pattern that always has to do with keeping you in a certain place.

# 8: You suddenly stop implementing

You do the work and experience success. It seems like you are on the right track. And because you are an entrepreneur, creativity is your thing.

You come up with the next idea.

Maybe you even take concrete steps or get feedback, and everyone is thrilled.

However, you do not continue.

And you explain it with fear or the risk or the wrong timing.

But the chances are high that you have picked up your success thermostat because things are going too well. Hello Upper Limit Problems!




# 9: You are dealing lax with your money

The client who no longer pays his coaching, and you just run it? The invoice you should write, but not doing it?

The contract you send too late after a promised deadline with lots of explanations why you did not make it on time?

(And don’t get the order.)

My experience is that complaining about not having enough money is often related to not being responsible for the money right in front of you. It belongs to you.

This is often explained by people that have little money, that it is not important to them. But why then complaining at other times?

It is an act of self-esteem to ensure that the money we have earned is coming in. It should be fun, just as spending money is fun.

This can also be a sign of upper limit problems.

# 10: You do not invest in success-critical things in your business

You buy courses, training, memberships, and all to a considerable extent. But paying a reasonable amount to ensure that your website looks professional?

Or paying a virtual assistant 30 dollars per hour for your articles to be added to WordPress or uploaded to Youtube?

No, I can do that myself.

Yeah, you could. But you could also do more of the things that only you can do for your business, which you cannot outsource.

If you spend money on education but not on things that allow revenue, you stay in constant student status. You do not take the step from learner to performer.

You do not implement but consume predominantly.

And you avoid the challenging encounter with the reality as a business owner that some things pay off quite magnificently. Others so la, la.

And not others at all.



How can you deal with Upper Limit Problems?

At first, understand those upper limit problems are normal, especially as an entrepreneur. We are born and grow up, as Richard Bandler said. We learn limits.

And they are not always a bad thing. However, they can significantly impact whether failing again and again at business. The good news is, we can unlearn such limits.

Stay alert to yourself and things that happen. Look for patterns. What happens over and over in comparable situations?

Where do you come across similarities repeatedly?

To recognize self-boycott means, above all, not listening to your ego.

The voice that at times whispers to us with enthusiasm: She was just luckier. He has talent. Why does the same thing always happen to me?

We must remain vigilant. And allow us to move the thermometer up a bit by bit for the good things in our lives.

And I think that is a good thing.

Let me know – how many of them do you recognize in yourself? (For me? The one with the wine.)



What could you do now? Try reading this one …

Reach business goals more easily: 3 more unusual tips

ADHD and motivation: The misconception about why we get stuck

P.S. Whenever you're ready … here are three ways we can help you grow your business.

1. Watch our free video course, "The Business Focus Framework."
The shortcut to the most important tasks in your business that helps actually to follow through. It takes 5 minutes to find out what to work on for the next 6 weeks. – Click here.

2. Increase your close rate up to 84% (free guide).This short guide helps you have successful conversations with customers without being pushy or salesy, even if you think you are not good at selling. - Click here.

3. Work with us 1:1.
If you are curious how working with us looks like, hop on the "Work Together" page. And if it speaks to you, schedule your Discover the Possibilities Call by emailing me: I want that! To andrea@successfuladhdentrepreneur.com, and I’ll send you a link to our automated scheduling system.

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Andrea Lekies

Andrea Lekies

Andrea Lekies writes here and on her other website passion-profit.com (which is German and exists like ... forever). Why now an English website about entrepreneurs who have ADHD? What else could one do in her free time ;)

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